General information
SwimÖresund has entered into cooperation (2021) with the World Open Water Swimming Association (WOWSA), and is starting a brand-new database for swimming between Denmark and Sweden. The distance is 20 km (10.8 nautical miles).
Swim across the beautiful strait ‘Öresund’, which connects Denmark and Sweden. You start the swim at Bellevue Beach (DK) or Barsebäck (SV). After completing the distance, the SwimÖresund committee will approve and certify that the crossing has taken place in accordance with the applicable regulations. The certification of the crossing is recognized by WOWSA. The participants will then be included in officiel list of swimmers who have crossed the Öresund Strait. All participants who complete receive an official certificate from SwimÖresund and WOWSA. In addition, you will receive a specially designed medal from SwimÖresund.

Swim Start, Denmark
Photo: Oliver Förstner

Swim Finish, Sweden
Photo: Studio-e/Kävlinge kommun

Swimming Route
From Denmark to Sweden
Strait of Öresund
The Öresund is an iconic international waterway, and has had great strategic importance and influence on Northern European history throughout the ages. The narrow strait connects the world’s largest inland sea, the Baltic Sea, with the Kattegat. More than 45,000 merchant ships sail through Öresund every year. To this must be added the many fishing cutters, recreational sailors, speedboats and other vessels. This makes Öresund extremely busy.
Despite the heavy shipping traffic, Öresund has a particularly healthy and diverse marine life. There are, among other things, bluefin tuna, porpoises, harbor seals and gray seals. Orca flocks and single individuals are not seen very often, but have been visiting inland Danish waters at regular intervals.
The currents in the Öresund can be fickle, mischievous and strong at times. This happens because of the enormous water flow, which either has a northbound direction from the Baltic Sea to the Kattegat or southbound from the Kattegat to the Baltic Sea. The tidal differences are small in the region (less than 20 cm), but the tide has a visible effect on the current strength in the Öresund. The sea temperature in Öresund can vary between 0 C° (32 F°) in winter and 22 C° (71.6 F°) in summer. The warmest months are in July and August, when you can expect an average sea temperature of 18 C° (64.4 F°). In the colder years, the temperature has been down to about 15 C° (59 F°).

Heavy traffic in Öresund
Swimmer: Anke Tinnefeld

Two porpoises in Öresund
Photo: Tania Lundberg Lykkegaard

Edie Hu
Successful SwimÖresund crossing 2024

Sunrise over Öresund
Swimmer: Mariel Hawley
One crossing since 1927
On 31 July 1927, A Danish girl, Edith Jensen, just 17 years old, did what no one thought was possible. She attracted a lot of attention when she crossed the Öresund on one of the widest stretches. She swam between Barsebäck in Sweden and Bellevue Strand in Denmark (19 km) in 12 hours and 45 minutes. She became the first Person. Since 1927 and until the year 2022, only a few swimmers have crossed one of the widest streaches across the Öresund.

Monument, Bellevue Beach, Copenhagen
The Picture shows the former monument in honor of Edith Jensen. In 1927 Miss Edith Jensen had a monument erected on Bellevue Beach after her heroic swim across Öresund.

Edith Jensen, 1927
Edith Jensen after her Öresund crossing. In the picture, from left to right, are: Edith Jensens trainer, the German Master-Swimmer, Otto Kemmerich; Miss Edith Jensen; and her Mother.

The inscription on the former monument (Bellevue Beach)
The first swim across the Strait of Öresund was completed by 17-year-old Edith Jensen. She disembarked here. Barsebäck and Bellevue 19 km. 31 Juli 1927.